The Weaving Inn

Home to the knitting world's anti-Finisher. Kind of like the anti-Christ, but with a smaller following.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Chocolate And More

Last night was the weekly meeting of the Silicon Valley Stitchers. And for some reason there was a LOT of chocolate going around. So just to keep the momentum going, here is a picture of some Grand Marnier brownies. Although I did not make the brownies in the picture, I have made Grand Marnier brownies. On more than one occasion. Did you know that Godiva chocolate has a website with recipes on it? And that the recipe for these brownies can be found on that website? But heck, I'll make things easy for you; . One little click and you too can have the recipe for Grand Marnier brownies. Aren't I helpful?

There's a new CAL going on over at Crochetville. It's the "200 Crochet Blocks CAL" based on this book. This is a wonderful book for all you lovers of 6" squares. And also for those of us who might be a bit "color challenged" at times. There are a number of layouts in the front of the book using different blocks and colors; could it get any easier than that? There are both your traditional granny squares as well as sampler squares. The squares are also rated according to skill level. I bought this book when I was home in Canada at Christmas and I think it's worth it just to admire the author's use of color. But then I'm a color junkie.

So what the heck am I going to make? Well now that the Peek-A-Boo afghan has been put to bed (and btw, thank you to all the nice people who said nice things about it) it's time to start April's (the month, not me) Project Linus blanket. So I think I'll pick out 25 or 30 squares and have at it. I think 30. Then I can use three colors. And one of the colors will be this!

Doesn't this just scream "BABY BLANKET"? No? Well what if we add some of this?

And then we'll put in some of this! Oh wait, the third color is white. Everyone knows what white looks like.

Oh, and from the "Better Late Than Never" file, a Happy Anniversary to Gordon and Cindy who celebrated their 27th wedding anniversary yesterday. 27 years, wow. But if you knew Cindy like we know Cindy, you'd know that spending that many years with her would be no problem at all. I'm still hoping her and Gordon will adopt me but I don't think it's gonna happen ...


  • At 6:30 PM, Blogger Olivia Twist said…

    Thought I would come on over and check out your blog. I was just over at Sue's site, and she had your name hyperlinked. I love your blog. I'm anxious to see what you come up with, with the crochet project. Sue posted her book too, and now I'm really tempted to take a shot at it also. It looks simple enough.NOT! lol.


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