The Weaving Inn

Home to the knitting world's anti-Finisher. Kind of like the anti-Christ, but with a smaller following.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Here he is! The rat formerly known as Soul but now known as Mouzz. He just didn't seem spiritual enough to be called Soul. But really, how would you know if a rat was spiritual or not? Anyway, Mouzz it is.

He's been a very good boy so far. He's only bitten me once but it wasn't that big of a deal. I've been bitten by horses, anything less than that isn't really worth talking about. Mouzz is particularly fond of yogurt chips and peanuts. But, as you can see from the pictures, he's kind of a full size rattie. Actually he almost looks like a guinea pig, doesn't he? Gracious me.

I've been trying to spend as much time as I can with him but since he doesn't live with me (THANKS, ANDY) it hasn't been easy. I think he likes me though. He'll sit in my lap and give himself a bath. I've also been the recipient of a few rattie kisses and occasionally he'll perch on my shoulder. Since I've only had him a week I think we're doing OK.

Plans are in the works to get Mouzz a friend (tentatively named "Plague") once I get the funds together for a new and improved cage. Ratties need a LOT of space. And since Mouzz is neutered we'll probably go for a girl rattie. I'm beginning to think ratties are like the best pets EVER. Just don't tell DeeDee and Andy I said that.

On the knitting front there's not much to report. I'm working on a plain ol' stockinette sock and that's about it. I am not the inspired knitter these days. Rather depressing, really ... However! There is something mildly exciting happening on Tuesday. Well maybe "mildly" might be a stretch. Tuesday, January 27th is my 3 year bloggin' anniversary. See what I mean about "mildly" being a stretch? Anyway there will be a "leave a comment that day, win fabulous prizes" contest. If for no other other reason than I think this is the first time I've remembered my anniversary. Go figure.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Here Then Gone

In keeping with my Dr. Doolittle of the San Francisco Bay image, I adopted a rat today. He is a very cute little rat. He's white with a brown nose and bright pink eyes and he is aptly named, "Soul." I love him a bunch.

I brought him home this afternoon. Andy met him. Andy tried to eat Soul's tail.

I put Soul in the bathroom and closed the door. In five minutes, Andy had figured out how to open the bathroom door.

Soul is now living at a friend's house. We will have joint custody of my little rattie. I am less than pleased with Andy, but hey, he's a cat. That's what cats do.

Hands up whoever wants a brown tabby. I'll even toss in a free, overweight, gassy calico.

Pictures of Soul tomorrow.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Burpin' Into '09

I have a tummy ache. It's been hanging around for the last three weeks. This always happens when I start a new job because starting a new job stresses me out. A lot. Especially when my recruiter has failed to mention prior to me starting the job, that half the job involves working on a Mac. I do not know Mr. Mac, I know Mr. PC. In the last three weeks I have come to realize that Mr. Mac is one hot little number and a lot of fun to use but still ... his Command button confuses me. I am an old person and let me tell you, it's not easy to switch between two computers on your desk a million times a day. It's making me burp.

Which is what happens when I get stressed and my little intestines get all knotted up. I've probably set a new burping record over the last two days. So today I went and bought some peppermint oil capsules because I read on the innertubes that peppermint oil will help with the burping. Which is all well and good except now (and I apologize if this is too much information) when I use the facilities my bathroom smells like a candy cane. Festive, no? Shall we move on?

Look what I got in the mail! I'm not usually much of a swapper but I'm in this Journal Writers group on Ravelry and someone organized a "journal swap." I cannot resist the lure of new stationery. And clearly I scored big time with my partner. Not only did I get a lovely new journal, but I also received "Writing Down The Bones" by Natalie Goldberg which is one of my all time favorite books. I lent my original copy to someone else and never got it back so this is beyond fabulous. I also got some tea, some little chocolates in a tin, a skein of Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran, a copy of the "Fetching" pattern, DPN's to knit said pattern with AND a cable needle. Talk about overwhelming! I may have actually neglected to burp for a whole five minutes.