The Weaving Inn

Home to the knitting world's anti-Finisher. Kind of like the anti-Christ, but with a smaller following.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Six Weird Things Meme

I'm not generally a big fan of the "Meme." I'm simply not that interesting. But of course when it comes to weird I like to think I might be a bit off. Sheepie started this over at her blog and I'm following her lead. Because ... well ... we're sheep. I can't remember all the rules but I think I have to list six weird things about me and then tag six people. I'm just going to tag one person because I suspect she's weirder than she lets on. That's at the end of the post.

1) I have a MAD crush on Dr. Phil.

I love you too, April!

2) I don't eat lunch unless I'm so hungry I'm nauseous. I think it's a waste of time.

3. When I make a cup of tea, the teabag has to steep for a minimum of 10 minutes. I set a timer.

4. I apologize to inanimate objects if I bang into them.

5) I love spiders. LOVE them.

6) I only get out of bed if the digital clock ends in a zero or a five.

Well maybe those aren't that weird after all. Not like Sheepie's whole zombie thing ...

And I'm tagging Valerie. I just *know* there's a whole lotta weirdness goin' on there.


  • At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh, no, April, those ARE weird things. Really.
    They are.
    A ) or a 5? Yeah, NEVER heard that one before. Spiders are cool.

  • At 4:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You should have seen me trying to get my mail in the wee hours of the darkest morning today. I was on full "zombie alert!" It may seem weird, but when the zombies come, I'll have the last laugh!!!!!

    Nicely done on the meme. You are suitably weird. I can't take credit for the whole thing since I was one of the tagged, but HM really wanted to do it and we all know how she gets about some things!

  • At 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dr. Phil? wow, that is weird!

  • At 5:25 PM, Blogger sheep#100 said…

    1. Crush on the bald guy - not that weird.
    2. Skipping lunch - hm, not healthy maybe but not entirely weird.
    3. Tea maceration time - not weird - I leave the bag in until I finish the cup. The timer's a touch anal, but not weird.
    4. Apologies - reflexive, not weird.
    5. Spiders - definitely freakin' weird.
    6. Clock - OC maybe?


  • At 11:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    April you are not weird. You are a freak. Dr Phil???? I loathe that man, possibly more than I loathe Tom Cruise, and that's saying something.

    I think avoiding lunch is just fine unless it's a long, boozy lunch with great food and friends. That's the only time it's worthwhile.

    10 minutes for tea??? I thought I liked it strong, but that's just odd....

  • At 11:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    April you are not weird. You are a freak. Dr Phil???? I loathe that man, possibly more than I loathe Tom Cruise, and that's saying something.

    I think avoiding lunch is just fine unless it's a long, boozy lunch with great food and friends. That's the only time it's worthwhile.

    10 minutes for tea??? I thought I liked it strong, but that's just odd....

  • At 11:23 PM, Blogger Valerie Polichar said…

    well CRAP. It's going to be hard to find 6 weird things that I actually want to air in public. Curse you, Red Baron!

    I'm right there with you on the spiders and apologizing inanimate objects. But DR.PHIL??! Yeow.

    (I do like bald guys: witness my sexy Australian husband. But. Not. All of 'em.)

  • At 9:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    can't figure out how to email you do Aussie gingerbread men look different to American ones??? ;-)

    How are you coping without Julie????


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