Maybe You Can
Ahem. Attempt #6. After knitting 20 or so rows yesterday I came to the realization that I was knitting the right hand mitten using the left hand chart. So after spewing out a few words that rhyme with "duck" and "hit" I accepted the fact that it was back to the ol' drawing board for Attempt #7. Now as you can imagine, I've accumulated quite a few fingerless mitt patterns over the last few weeks. I like to be organized (sorta) so I bought a brand new binder for my patterns and filed them all away over the weekend. Unfortunately I left the binder lying on the floor.
If you have cats it's never a good idea to leave things on the floor. Here is an example why. When I got home last night someone had PUKED all over the binder. I was not amused. But who was the culprit?
Had Andy or DeeDee taken time out from their TV viewing to upchuck the Fancy Feast? Was it Miss McSnarlyPants Wilma? We just don't know. However, since I'm such a big believer in signs, I took the sight of the vomit covered binder to mean one thing. April, do not start another pattern. Carry on with Attempt #6. So that is what I'm doing. I'll simply do the left hand cable pattern on both mitts. Does it really matter? At this stage, nope.
That being said, it would be nice though to see what the pattern actually does look like. This is where you come in, loyal reader of one. I really like the Chalice Cable Handwarmer pattern. I think you will too. I also have a heck of a lot of Rowan DK. As evidenced below.
If you would like to win some Rowan yarn and a brand spankin' new copy of the Chalice Cable Handwarmers (because we do not copy patterns for sale, we buy new ones, right?) simply leave your best guess as to who tossed their crunchies on the binder. Andy, DeeDee or Wilma. Look carefully at their little furry faces. Who would commit such a despicable act? Only you, the knitting jury, can decide. That and the random number generator which will be fired up tomorrow night, Friday, March 14th at 6:00 PST. And maybe you can knit this pattern as it was meant to be knit.
ETA - Silly me to assume the world knows who my kitties are. In the collage, from top left and going clockwise, Wilma with the pink collar, DeeDee the supermodel, Andy the stuffed mouse hunter and finally Andy and DeeDee watching television.
At 2:37 PM,
Angie said…
McSnarlypants Wilma, I can see it in her eyes. She makes no apology for it either, can you see that?
At 4:08 PM,
Shanan said…
Wilma, definitely. She looks pleased even.
At 4:23 PM,
Sheepish Annie said…
It's hard to tell. In my house, it is always the fluffy one. They puke lots. But, I'm going with Dee Dee. She just looks too innocent to be without guilt...
At 4:39 PM,
sheep#100 said…
Andy did it in the living room with the hairball...
At 5:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'd say it was Andy. The girls will lie because
they want to protect themselves. The boy (being of that gender, of course) will take the blame to keep the peace.
By the way...which one is which?
Agatha's Gran
At 5:22 PM,
catsmum said…
okay it has to be Wilma but you must must must continue on because I wrote up the Frothy Gothy Wristwarmers JUST FOR YOU :]
At 7:18 PM,
MathIsBeauty said…
It's gotta be DeeDee. I mean she is a supermodel isn't she. That is what supermodels do to keep up the image.
Recently found your blog via the wonderfull sheep. Have been lurking about reading your past posts. Love it.
At 8:50 PM,
Unknown said…
I think it's Andy - he looks innocent but maybe *too* innocent.
At 9:09 PM,
Unknown said…
i think it's Andy. he probably got into Agatha's treats and ate too many. you know your cats are jealous especially after you wrote a poem for that DOG!
this puking is just the tip of the revolt, there are more pukings to come. check your shoes before you put them on.. i'm just sayin
At 11:59 PM,
the Lady said…
Wilma, I think.
At 4:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
I think it's Wilma; that look on her face just says "Yeah, it was me; so whatcha gonna do about it?"
At 4:28 AM,
Joan said…
It had to be Andy. Just a hunch!
At 7:32 AM,
Heather said…
It's totally Andy. Never trust a face like that...
At 10:19 AM,
Cookie said…
It was DeeDee. Just look at her. She's so proud of herself because she knows that Andy will get blamed.
At 12:27 PM,
Jody said…
I'm with mathisbeauty. Don't most supermodels throw up often? My vote's for DeeDee.
Nothing like a contest to bring the lurkers like me out, is there? :)
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