Time For Some F-U-N
This crocheting, it gets to be serious business sometimes. For example ... Squares for Heartmade Blessings. Baby blankets for Project Linus. "Wearables" (ain't nothing fun sounding about that word). Hats for the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. The Crochet Olympics. See what I mean? Focused, diligent crocheting. Where the heck's the fun? So in an effort to inject a little joie de vivre into my life tonight I decided to crochet a ... bat?
Pfft ... crochet a bat, how silly can you be? This is the front (or the back, it really doesn't matter) of the Crochet Dude's "Chic On A Halfshell" purse. Now this is FUN. Just what I needed, a bright, springy cotton purse to carry all my essentials around in. And if I had a half decent digital camera, you'd see that this is quite a lovely yarn I'm using. Think citrus-y, white with pale yellow and orange. Tres California. The yarn is "Fantasy Naturale" from Plymouth Yarns, 100% mercerized cotton. The original pattern called for two strands of a sport weight yarn. This particular yarn is more of a heavy Aran weight so I'm only using one strand and bingo, the gauge, she is ON. I may even go all out and line this little number with something in ... oh pale yellow I think. I say that like I've lined a million purses before. Ha. No.
Crochet a bat ... really ... you people ...
It's a Sharkey. And it's mine. Thank you eBay. And thank you to the eBay community for not bidding against me so that I was able to get it at a decent price.
Andy says, "Mondays exhaust me."
At 9:30 AM,
Craft Kitten said…
Ive crocheted a pumpkin and a ghost. I was gonna do a bat, but I couldnt figure it out without it looking like a batman symbol.
At 1:10 PM,
Renee said…
Andy, man, I know how you feel!
At 1:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Is this the famous yarn-kicking Andy? I see your kitty likes to lie all over current projects too. :)
At 6:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
lol, a bat! That looks neat.
oooh, nice looking hook! How does it feel?
lol, I like Mondays. Orchestra practice!
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