Three Day Weekend!
Hooray for three day weekends! Those of us employed by the House Of Torture have kindly been given today off in observance of Good Friday. Or, as the more politically correct of my co-workers might say, "Our Spring Vacation Day."
And I doubt there could be a better way to kick off a three day weekend then to have the following delivered the day before!
I have come late to the Mason Dixon party. Sometimes being anti-trendy can be a detriment. So after seeing a multitude of cute Mason Dixon projects in blogs everywhere I decided to bite the bullet. Plus I'm a huge fan of Ann and Kay's blog. I am *loving* this book. I got it from Amazon and apparently I'm the only one in the entire world who gets decent service from Amazon. I bought this last Friday (Mar. 30) and got the Free Super Saver Shipping. It took less than a week to arrive. I don't think I could ask for more. Well unless they wanted to send me free books.
But the mail excitement didn't stop there! In my continuing quest to purchase all the sportweight sock yarn there is in the world, I came across the Ruby Sapphire shop on Etsy. This is from their Tenderfoot line in the colorway "Hayley" (they name their colorways after family, friends and customers). It's 100% merino and 375 yards. On my monitor the colors in the picture are pretty accurate. But not only did I get gorgeous yarn, I also got a little skein key ring, a Tootsie Roll and a Tootsie Roll Pop! My excitement over these extras may be a bit extreme but I love surprises like this. I'll most certainly be buying more Ruby Sapphire yarn.
Finally, from the "Kiss My Ass, Comcast" file, I have canceled my account. As some of you may recall, Comcast lost my recent payment which was deposited in THEIR night box. I went to their friggin' office with my money order receipt and they still couldn't find any record of it. Which meant I would have to send $15.00 to Western Union to get a copy of the canceled money order. In the meantime, I had no cable. So I coughed up the money to pay the bill AGAIN. "Oh thank you, loyal Comcast customer, your service will resume in 10 minutes," they said.
Ahem. Two hours. Three hours. "Oh goodness, loyal Comcast customer, there must be something wrong with your service, we'll have to send out a technician. When would it be convenient for you to miss work?" Well how about Fucking Never o'clock? Changed the ol' Netflix account from 2 movies to 4 movies and I will never use Comcast again. I'm not so good with writing movie reviews but this is what I've seen recently -
1) The Illusionist - five stars
2) Marie Antoinette - one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Sorry Kirsten, I really don't like you. Negative ten stars.
3) Derailed - far better than I expected. Four stars. Would have been five but it's a bit gory in parts.
4) Little Manhattan - fantastic movie about a ten year old boy who falls in love for the first time. Not only a good adult movie but something I think kids 8+ would like too. Eleventy billion stars.
5) The New World - Colin Farrell yay! This movie, ugh. Too long by about an hour with a musical score guaranteed to drive you out of your mind. Every forty minutes or so the music would start up but it would be the same two or three bars over and over and over again.
6) Talladega Nights; The Ballad of Ricky Bobby - For the redneck in all of us. Humorous one liners galore. A "rest your brain" kind of movie. Definitely not kid suitable.
7) Mildred Pierce - Black and white oldies are my favorite and this is one of the best. Joan Crawford is amazing but lordy, she's got a big head. It's fine if she's the only one in the scene but enter another person and it's extremely disconcerting. Fantastic story about a mother who devotes her life to giving her daughter everything she could ever want. Bad move, Joan. Eleventy billion stars.
Tonight - "All About Eve"!
At 2:20 PM,
Heide said…
Sorry to hear about your cable woes. I'm just annoyed at the expense and still having only 4 channels worth watching... on a good day. Thank you for the movie reviews. I've never paid attention to Joan Crawford's head before, but to me Nancy Reagan always looked like Humpty Dumpty on a twig. That's assuming of course that HD was really an egg and not just a person with severe osteoporosis. Either way, I'm probably going to Hell for being so mean spirited. That being the case I might as well point out that CNN newscaster Andrea Mitchell and politician John Kerry could also be put into that egghead category.
At 4:46 PM,
sheep#100 said…
Yay for firing Comcast!
At 5:05 PM,
Sheepish Annie said…
The cable company knows they have me right where they want me...I cannot live without the light from the glowing box. Nor can I live with limited channels. I'm fairly pathetic, really. But I'm learning to live with it.
Job well done kicking Comcast to the curb!!!
At 5:10 PM,
Grace said…
Agh, I know exactly what you mean. I battled Comcast and ultimately lost, but Tivo made it bearable. They sent me cable boxes that stopped working whenever you sneezed, and service guys that tracked mud all over the carpet if they showed up at all, and double charged me constantly. My coworker had to hire a lawyer to deal with them after she tried to cancel and they wouldn't let her. They told her it was impossible to disconnect her service. And so on. I hate Comcast.
At 6:20 PM,
Knittymama said…
I love "All About Eve!"
At 6:40 PM,
Cookie said…
I'm with you on the anti-trendy thingy, but I recently saw something from their book that I really liked. I hope this doesn't mean I'm going mainstream because I'm not sure I could handle that.
Yay for being free of ComCast!
At 6:54 PM,
Angie said…
Congrats on kicking Comcast, you are brave, very brave, like Sheepie, I don't think I could live without the glowing box - thanks for the tip on the sport weight socks. Any other suggestions? Have you seen Nice, very nice.
At 7:28 AM,
The Kelly Green Rogue said…
Mason Dixon is what got me knitting again. I probably shouldn't be admitting that in a public place!
oh and I never have anything to complain about with Amazon either. But I'm not one who immediately starts counting the days after I order online
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